Over the years we’ve been fortunate enough to capture moving images of the life and soul of brickmaking at our brickworks, from 1962 to the present day. It’s a fascinating history of our evolution and one which we are extremely proud.
Video footage includes the brickworks as it was in 1962, knapped flint production to briockmaking and woodfiring, in the present day. Sit back and enjoy!
This video has no sound! Video footage taken in 1962, these images are a beautiful insight into how the brickworks looked and functioned in the 1960s. From clay extraction and pugging to machine making the bricks and clearing the kiln after firing, this is a must must watch for any brick enthusiast.
My passion for flint. Flint Master, Eddie Finken, talks about his passion for flint and the training he undertook at the brickworks.
An historical look at how we make bricks at HG Matthews. Meet Stuart as he digs the clay which then proceeds through the brickmaking process.
The start of our woodfiring journey. How we built the woodfired clamp with Dr Gerard Lynch, Bill Neff and Jason Whitehead, this was the beginning of the reintroduction of woodfired bricks to the UK market.
For the past, the present and the future …our woodfired brick story continues apace. Video by Steve Clarke
Traditional brickmaking lives on today at HG Matthews, we are proud of our heritage and in delivering continued quality bricks. Video by Steve Clarke
The name’s Bond, Cut and Bond!
Will Stanwix introduces Strocks, HG Matthews’ clay and straw eco building blocks and explains their use and benefits.